Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of global mortality, resulting in approximately 18 million deaths each year2, according to the WHO1. In Colombia, CVD accounted for 29% of total mortality in 2021, causing 94,432 deaths and a 16.5% health spending. This has also led to a 0.3% loss in GDP3,4. To combat this issue, ATHERO was established as a public-private alliance committed to controlling risk factors, preventing CVD, and optimizing patient access to treatment.
ATHERO is an alliance that brings together nine entities from the public and private sectors, with a focus on improving cardiovascular health through three main pillars:

Technological and social innovation: Generate impact through technology in knowledge update processes like ATHERO LAB and through open innovation challenges to have a positive influence in CVD.

Raising Awareness of Cardiovascular Diseases in Colombia: Our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of cardiovascular health and save lives through innovative solutions. In 2023, we launched our "Manos que Salvan Vidas" campaign, which aims to prevent the sudden death of 1 in 5 people at risk.
We are confident that, with ATHERO, we are shaping a future where cardiovascular care in Colombia reaches world-class standards, saving lives and enhancing the nation's health. Together, we are making a difference!
We invite you to learn more about our partners and their profiles. Join us in this fight for life!

Taking actions for cardiovascular health in Colombia
1. National Administrative Department of Statistics - DANE (2023). Vital Statistics System (EEVVV). Consulted on October 13, 2023 through the Vital Statistics cube of Sispro (Ministry of Health).
2. Ministry of Health and Social Protection - MinSalud. UPC Sufficiency Cube. 2023. Consultation for the period 2021. Available at: https://www.SISPRO.gov.co/Pages/Home .aspx [Accessed in October 2023].
3. Portfolio. 1.7 billion a year is invested in preventive health care. 2023. Available at: https://www.portafolio.co/economia/gobierno/salud-recibe-inversion-anual-de-1-7-billones-de-pesos-581848 [Accessed October 2023].
4. Stevens B, Pezzullo L, Verdian L, et al. The Economic Burden of Heart Disease in Latin America. Poster presented at the World Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health, 2016, and on the ConsultorSalud portal: https://consultorsalud.com/colombia-invierte-64-billones-al-ano-en-tratar-enfermedades-cardiacas [Accessed October 2023].